Humber Applied Research
& Innovation

Website re-design project.

Project Details

Humber Applied Research and Innovation (ARI) wanted to update the look of their website. Their site's look was outdated in comparison to Humber College's newly redesigned website. It was time for change. Humber ARI approached me and another student to design a new look for their site.


ARI's main goal was to increase collaboration with faculty and partners. They also wanted to increase student awareness, and participation with the Centre for Entrepreneurship. In order to achieve this we had to design a website that would be easy to navigate and would allow the audiences to find information, book collaborative spaces, and follow news and events.



Perhaps one of the biggest challenges we faced in this project was the website had to appeal to Humber ARI's three audiences: partners, faculty, and students. Each one looking for different information on the same website.    Naturally, user-flow was a challenge. Each user had to find the information they needed easily. The site also had to present the content effectively, while still abiding by the Humber Web Guidelines


The Design.

After finishing the mid-fi mockups, I put together an Invision prototype to test user flow. The testing showed that we had to rethink the navigation of the website, to allow different audiences to quickly find information important to them.

We revisited the design and made some changes based on the feedback we received. This is a link to the Hi-Fi Prototype .

ari-mockup-home_0002_site home

The Final Product.

The final product was released in the Winter of 2017. Some minor things were modified through repetitive iteration, as the site was being developed.